Christmas buffet
Traditional christmas buffet in the old farmhouse

We have 20 years experience and thereof know what guests appreciate most of all. We have only selected the most wanted and best dishes and desserts.
Christmas buffet 2023
30 nov kl 18.00
2 dec nov kl 18.00
3 dec kl 16.00
5 dec kl 12.00
6 dec kl 12.00
7 dec kl 12.00
8 dec kl 18.00
9 dec kl 18.00
10 dec kl 16.00
12 dec 18.00
13 dec kl 12.00
Lucia childrens choir outside
14 dec kl 18.00
15 dec kl 18.00
16 dec kl 18.00
17 dec kl 16.00
19 dec kl 18.00
20 dec kl 18.00
21 dec kl 12.00
725 sek/person
Kids prices
0-3 years 0 sek
4-9 years 245 sek
10-13 years 315 sek
Special christmas offer

Christmas feeling by night!
Do you want to keep the christmas feeling and stay overnight in our carefully renovated Norrbotten house?
We have christmas decorations, authentic decor and a unique environment just like it used to be in the 1700s.
In the dining room a open fireplace and a real christmas tree sets the atmosphere. The house is warm and soothing.
Enjoy a first class lunch and dinner in our restaurant (you need to book a table), breakfast is served in your own kitchen in the house.